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    Post by Oliéric Tue 25 Sep 2018, 15:29

    As a french one and a sailor, I am obviously very interested in the adventures of Hornblower.
    That's a fact that very few is known, in France about history and life in the Royal Navy and aboard the ships.
    Such saga as Hornblower (and Boltho, and Aubrey too) is not existing in the french production of books.
    We use to find and read memories of sailors of the former times but no hero such as the british ones exist in the french literature.

    I feel that the life onboard, as depicted by CS Forester, is exactly the same as that aboard Royal French Marine.
    And it remained after revolution. It is to be noticed that today's naval forces of France are called "La Royale".

    Regarding the naval aspect of things, I should say that Forester had a good view over France in that period.
    Regarding facts, places, peoples.. I should say, at least, that he had bad informations..
    I understand that a british one, in that périod, talking and thinking about revolution that killed a king and Napoleon who made himself emperor could had no choice but consider things simpleminded.

    So, I let to another place or time the debate about necessity or not, about positive contribution of that period in our history.
    I just put the focus on lot of mistakes mades in dates, places, events related in the descent on Muzillac, when Hornblower comes in France for a descent with the army of french emigrants.
    Living in Morbihan, right on the place where Hornblowers adventure is supposed to hapen, I was very interested to compare with the truth.
    Reading the book i thought that lot of things were not exact. Viewing the TV series, I was shock by things that british people may not see but french ones cannot believe.

    If you are interested, I can tell you the history and facts about this descent.
    Any time I walk on the beach, grandchildren playing with shells, I look at the landscape and try to figure out the ships and soldiers.
    Yes i am here at the right place... but story is another.
    Apologies for my poor english. it is international commercial language.

    Ordinary Seaman
    Ordinary Seaman

    Log Entries : 2
    Location : Marzan, Morbihan, France
    Joined : 2018-09-25

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    Post by 80 Winters Wed 26 Sep 2018, 01:02

    Olieric -

    First, let me apologize for my lack of 'diacritical mark' in my spelling of your forum name, but my knowledge of how to accomplish it on my keyboard is wanting and 'my Premier' (she who knows all) is absent.

    I have enjoyed reading your 'first posting' and welcome your insight and knowledge concerning the historical accuracy of facts used to weave our HNF 'yarns'.

    Welcome Aboard

    80 Winters / Ken
    80 Winters
    80 Winters
    Rear-Admiral of the Blue
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    Post by Alaric Bond Wed 26 Sep 2018, 07:26

    Yes, Oliéric, your presence and insight will be most welcome!

    Your view of CSF's work is particularly interesting (although I should say in his defense that the facilities for research available to him were not as great as those we enjoy today!).

    Alaric Bond
    Vice-Admiral of the White
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    Post by 80 Winters Wed 26 Sep 2018, 16:13

    Olieric -

    You might also find membership in the C.S. Forester Society to be of interest to you. Membership is free and I'm sure that you would find the exchange of ideas to be interesting as well as their annual meeting held at locations significant to Forester's Hornblower adventures. The latest annual meeting (2018) was held 21-23 Sept in Brest.
    80 Winters
    80 Winters
    Rear-Admiral of the Blue
    Rear-Admiral of the Blue

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    Post by Oliéric Wed 01 Apr 2020, 22:35

    So long time far from home.
    I had a one year motorbike trip in central and eastern europe.
    I finally recover my home and computer . . .

    During that time, I was in an hotel somewhere in Poland or Hungary and watching at the TV, I could see an old movie. It was a black and white TV serie about Hornblower.
    If my memory is ok, it was the story of Hornblower chasing the ship which was supposed to bring General Cambronne to St. Helen. Hornblower tells that it's not necessary cause Napoléon died.. he did not know, but it was true...
    As I remember, in the book, this fact happens at the end of the career of Horatio.
    In the movie, he is a young midship or acting lieutenant. The french ship was a beautiful fast white 4 mast cutter.

    It was impossible for me to find any information about that TV serie. Does anybody know about it?

    Ordinary Seaman
    Ordinary Seaman

    Log Entries : 2
    Location : Marzan, Morbihan, France
    Joined : 2018-09-25

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